Classical Systems

VL Apollo 42mm

Practicality, Functionality, Comfort

Vertical insect screen system for doors and windows up to 2,4 meters high, designed to offer functionality and practicality in everyday life. VL Apollo 42mm combines a 42mm box, with ergonomically designed closing system and accessories. Ideal for easy installation even in not aligned walls, along with a comfortable and quiet operation.


  • Minimal aesthetics
  • Ergonomic handles
  • Closing mechanism
  • Maximum brightness
  • Functionality
  • Quick installation

The system comes in 6m bars, in KIT standard dimensions, as well as in dimensions upon request, in all colors.

Technical Diagrams



Minimal aestheticsErgonomic handlesClosing mechanism

With a 42mm box, it is the ideal solution for doors and windows up to 2.4 meters high, for new constructions and renovations.


The practical handles on the inside and outside of the insect screen (2 + 2) and the external cord offer comfort when opening and closing. The guides are equipped with either simple or reinforced brush for better sealing.

The optional brake function allows the insect screen to move freely in the descent and reduce the ascent speed, ensuring safe and quiet movement. The brake mechanism is easily mounted on the inner plastic cap of the box.


Maximum brightnessFunctionalityQuick installation

Maximum brightness and visibility through the perforated gray Stiff net material.




The internal plastic caps buckle on the box, in four spots, ensuring that the desired opening of 22mm is always maintained and the closing of the box causing system malfunctions is avoided. Also, the installer can screw the upper cap on the box, for a more stable installation.

The use of telescopic caps allows for cutting of the insect screen, up to 10mm less than the opening dimension, in case of wrong cutting or angled walls. In addition, the caps ensure an easy and quick installation of the system even by one person, as they are placed on both sides of the opening and the box buckles on them.