Orion 1leaf (horizontal movement)
The Orion screen is a system of horizontal movement and has been created to cover all spans, with absolute safety. It is produced in one-leaf and two-leaves versions.
Tipping lower guide
The joint of the lower guide facilitates its retraction and in combination with the lower height guide (only 29mm height), provides easier passage for disabled and elderly people, as well as easy cleaning of the span.
T-shaped handle
The handle is designed in such a way, that during movement, it remains completely parallel to the alignment trundles during the sliding of the handle profile.
Screen knobs
The knobs are mounted on both sides of the handle (both interior and exterior), thus facilitating the use of the system. Their modern design and the quality of their construction material offers them an avant-garde look.
Screen facing
On the screen facing, two ways of handle securing can be used: 1) magnets on the entire surface of the handle 2) brush on the entire surface of the handle and the facing, where the securing of the screen takes place by using the special hook mounted on the facing.